Nerf Vortex Blasters for Pre-Order on

I've been searching around the Internet for the new Vortex blasters and found them for preorder on  It took me a while to find them because they do not come up with a "Nerf Vortex" search.

Nerf Vortex Proton: $15
Nerf Vortex Vigilion: $22
Nerf Vortex Praxis: $30
Nerf Vortex Nitron: $55
(No Tech Packs or Refill Packs)
The Nitron has some reviews on it also.  All blasters will have free shipping if you order $25 worth and will be released on September 1st.  (My first day of school!) If you don't know what the Vortex blasters are, check out's Vortex Site or this post.
