Commencing Operation Storm: Day 2

What is there to say?  I am back to the (public) internet with tons of new content this summer.  With your help, I'm going to hit the Internet like a storm.
Starting June 5th (yesterday), the schedule goes as follows:

Mondays: New Vlog
Prepare to see my thoughts in a video form, uploaded to YouTube.
Tuesdays: New Blog Post
Come see my expanded talk, in text form, on this blog.
Wednesdays: Hangout Party (1st/3rd), SimCity Live (2nd/4th)
On the first and third Wednesdays of the month, be part of a Google Plus Hangout Party. The opposite Wednesdays, I'll be playing SimCity live on Twitch while answering Twitter questions.  Times are TBD.
Thursdays: New Blog Post
Fridays: New Vlog

In addition, I'll be liveblogging/livestreaming major tech announcements and Wisconsin severe weather events all summer long!

I am also taking a trip to California at the end of June, so be ready to hear about that.
To be honest, I am very excited to deliver my content to you this summer.  I can't wait to see the interactions develop.  Watch my YouTube channel tomorrow for an introduction video, and follow me (links on the right sidebar) to get the latest.  Let's go!
